Vets are can be very helpful for figuring out what to feed your beloved pet but keep in mind, many vets are sposored by pet food companies that may not be very healthy and contain BHA, BHT and may be soy, corn or wheat based which dogs and cats really need is (labeled EXAMPLE: Lamb Meal) meat based food (See allergens which explain how allergies develop and how wheat, corn and soy must be used in order to be healthy.)
    Did you know vets don't even have to take a nutrition course!!!! Meaning they may not have all the neccesary knowledge needed to make the best decision for your pet, especially if their college was sponsored by one of the not so good dof food companies, then the college would probably push the thinking that a certain product is good and healthy when it's really not.
     A vet that recomends a food burdened with grains more then meat, artifical perservatives and from a company with class actions, recalls and other questionable ingredients that vet may just not be aware of what's going on or may not be the best one to refer to.  
    Look for a vet who understands pet nutrition and promotes a meat based food, without class actions and recalls as well as a good reputation and good rendering, manufactuering and packing practices.  A holistic vet will be very helpful especially with diet, exercise and mentality of the pet.
Holistic vets tend to use a more natural way to help pets, they are very effective and useful.
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