Dirty tricks: Conveniently placed loop holes in dog food:
  1. Split labels/part labels: This trick makes you think the first ingredient is meat. (always buy labeled meat, bone meal, meal, etc.) It splits an ingredient  so it's not the more then the meat. Example: chicken meal, corn meal, corn gluten...  But when you add corn meal with corn gluten the total of corn is more then the chicken. It should really look like this: corn meal, corn gluten, chicken meal. A food based on grain or vegetables is very unhealthy for dogs or cats! Dogs and cats need a diet well more then 50% meat based. (labeled meat!)
  2. Not full ingredient: this allows companies to skimp a little on good ingredients without putting it on the label. For example: it may say barley, but only be a certain amount of barely, while the rest of it consists of something less healthy or overly used like soy. So if your dog has an allergy and your looking for a food without allergy causing food you may be deceived and get something that has the allergy causing food in it even thought the label says it doesn't. Not all companies use this trick but beware of it and ask the company if the allergy causing ingredient is in the food even if you don't see it on the label.
  3. Price: (this technically isn't a trick but many people make the wrong decision because of this.)
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